Leave Policy

   Annual Leave (Paid)

  • Employees are eligible for an annual leave of Eighteen (18) days.
  • When an employee serves the Company for part of a year, he/she is entitled to annual leave on a pro-rata basis calculated for every completed month of service.
  • Only working days are to be taken as leave days. Thus, even if a weekly off or holiday is prefixed and suffixed with leave, the weekly off shall not be counted as a leave day.
  • For Example: If an employee takes leave from Tuesday through to Friday with Wednesday and Thursday in between being  holidays, the number of leaves consumed shall be only two (2) while the employee would be away from work for four (4) days.
  • Annual Leave can not be en-cashed and upto 8 days of Annual leave from the current
    leave balance can be carried over for the following year.
  • The company has the right, at any time, to ask any employee to take a leave day with a notice of at least one business day.

    Sick leave

  • An employee is eligible for 12 (twelve) days of sick leave per annum. Only working days shall be taken into consideration while computing the leaves. 
  • Sick leave – Exceeding a continuous period of three (3) days’ leave needs to be specifically accompanied by a medical certificate.
  • Sick Leave can be availed only when the employee himself/herself is ill.
  • Total 6 leaves will be credited by January remaining 6 leaves will be credited to you in the month of July ​.

      Sick Leave can neither be accumulated nor en-cashed and will lapse at the end of the leave year.


    Public Holiday

  • Employees are entitled to twelve (12) statutory holidays per year, which include 5 (five) compulsory holidays and 7 (seven) restricted holidays.
  • These holidays are to be utilized on a pro-rata basis. For example, an employee joining in September will be eligible for four holidays: two mandatory holidays (e.g., October 2nd and November 1st) and two restricted holidays, which can be selected from the approved holiday list.
  • All holiday requests must be approved by the Reporting Manager (RM) or HR and must be documented in the GreytHR system.
  • Employees who joined at the beginning of the year or are already part of the organization are eligible to avail of up to seven restricted and 5 mandatory holidays from the approved list.


    Maternity Leave

    Maternity leave at Vandey consultancy shall be administered as per the prevailing Maternity Benefit Law/Act 1961.

  • Applicability: Maternity benefit can be claimed only if the employee has actually worked in the Company for a period of not less than 80 (eighty) days immediately preceding the date of her expected delivery, in accordance with the Maternity Benefits Act, 1961.
  • Eligible expecting women employees are entitled to maximum of 26 (twenty-six) weeks of paid maternity leave. Out of the 26 (twenty-six) weeks of maternity leave, up to 8 (eight) weeks may be availed before and including the date of delivery and the remaining may be availed after the date of delivery
  • Maternity leave can be used on a maximum of two (2) occasions during an employee’s tenure with the Company. Women having 2 or more surviving children shall be allowed maternity leave of 12 weeks.
  • Employees are allowed to use annual leave in continuation with maternity leave, after first having consumed the twenty-six (26) weeks of maternity leave, subject to approval by reporting manager.
  • Employees undergoing medical termination of pregnancy under medical advice or miscarriage are entitled to six (6) weeks of maternity leave. A duly registered attending medical practitioner should certify this & a medical certificate should be obtained.
  • Employees suffering from illness arising out of pregnancy, delivery, premature birth, stillbirth or miscarriage are entitled to additional leave, against their annual leave entitlement, subject to the available balance in the leave account. This leave is granted based on the circumstances of each case and should necessarily be recommended by the sanctioning authority, HOD.
  • Maternity leave is not cashable in any manner, under any circumstance. It cannot be accumulated or used in instalments.
  • The employee must keep the HOD informed of the maternity leave start date & end date one (1) month prior to the planned leaves.

    Compensatory Leave / Off

  • Employees may be required to work on public holidays and/or during weekly off days. If such work is officially mandated in writing by either the reporting manager / HOD, then the employee may be compensated with compensatory leave for those days. For any mandatory holiday, an employee will be entitled to two (2) days of comp off/wages 2x the day rate based on management discretion. Any restricted holiday shall be compensated with one day’s leave.
  • If an employee has worked on a Holiday and is applicable for a comp off for the same, a compensatory off approval email should be sent by the HOD to priya@vandey.in and a copy to be marked to deepa@vandey.in
  • The leave should be applied within three days from the day Employee has worked for approval on GreytHR. The Approved Comp–Off should be availed within thirty (30) days on GreytHR from the day Employee has worked else the leave will lapse.


      Leave Without Pay/ Loss of Pay (LWP)

  • Leave without Pay (LWP) may be granted to employees when they have exhausted other types of leaves in their account. LWP can be applied in case of personal exigencies in a planned manner (eg marriage, planned surgery) or unplanned emergency (eg medical situation, death in family).
  • LWP is NOT an entitlement and is subject to review and approval by the manager and HRG based on the merit of the case. All LWP requests should be made before availing the same else it may be treated as ‘an unauthorized absence from duty.
  • LWP should be understood differently from ‘absence’ as LWP is an ‘authorized absence’ from work. Uninformed and/or unauthorized ‘Absence’ is a discipline issue and may trigger disciplinary proceedings against the employee as appropriate.
  • Manager should exercise discretion and due diligence in granting this. Any LWP request of the above days in a year (continuous or staggered) should be approved by Manager only after consultation with HR. LWP request of more than 15 days (planned or unplanned) to be additionally reviewed and approved by the Business Director and HR Director jointly.
  • LWP can be combined with other approved leaves eg Compensatory Leave/Sick Leave or Annual Leave.
  • All intervening holidays/weekly off in LWP will be counted under LWP eg. If LWP is from 5th-10th January 2023, in-between Saturday and Sunday viz 8th and 9th January will also be counted under leave without pay.



  1. Leave during the notice period
  • Employees are not allowed to apply for leaves during their notice period unless in an emergency situation, only prior to approval from the HOD.
  • Leaves cannot be adjusted against the notice period i.e. any leaves availed during the notice period will be considered as LOP. Any deviation from this must be approved by HOD and reporting manager. In such a case, if a leave is approved during an employee’s notice period, the notice period may have to extend if required by the management.


  1. Emergency Leave Details
  • All emergency leaves should be taken with prior approval. In case sick leave has to be taken in an emergency situation, the employee must make the best efforts to communicate with his/her immediate supervisor/HOD on the first day of such leave. (This is subjective to employees’ annual leaves being exhausted)
  • Also, the Leave Application request needs to be submitted on the GreytHR portal.
  • If an employee remains absent without approved leave or overstays without approval from the HOD for a period of seven (7) consecutive days or more, disciplinary action including termination from service, may be initiated against the employee by the Company. His/her salary shall be put on hold till he/she returns and informs the reason for such absence in a satisfactory way to his supervisor.


  1. Responsibility of the Employee:
  • Employees are required to apply well in advance (as per the above-given table) for approval of annual leave.
  • Employees have to keep the Supervisor informed in case of any extension of leave.  An act of proceeding on leave without approval in writing will be treated as an act of misconduct and the employee will be liable to disciplinary action if deemed necessary.
  • In cases of approved leave without pay on medical grounds, the employee has to provide all the relevant medical documents to HOD within 7 days from the start of such leave.
  • If an employee is proceeding for long leaves, then contact coordinates during the period of leave should be made available to his/ her manager
  • Where employees are not on the e-mail network, they can use manual leave applications as applicable to their business.
  • In case of emergencies/exigencies, the employee will inform his/her manager/team or the Leave Administrator of the nature of the emergency and the date when he/she shall resume work.
  • In cases where prior formal authorization of leave has not been taken, upon returning to duty the Employee must submit formal approval.
  • Any extension of leave required must be communicated in writing/email at the time of seeking such extension and is subject to approval.
  • Any leave without proper intimation will be treated as an unauthorized absence and appropriate disciplinary action may be initiated.
  • Employees availing of leave must ensure proper handing over of tasks, which may need to be completed, followed up etc., in consultation with their respective Team manager.


  1. Responsibility of the Immediate Reporting Authority/HOD:
  • The immediate reporting authority has to inform the HOD in case of leave without pay and absconding cases within seven (7) days from the start of such leave.
  • It is the responsibility of the immediate reporting authority to inform HOD, if an employee does not report to the office, after using the sanctioned leave within three (3) days from the end of such leave.


  1. Any Other Leaves:
  • In addition, employees may request the following leave types, subject to approval by their respective managers:
  1. Marriage Leave
  2. Paternity Leave
  3. Bereavement Leave
  4. Adoption Leave 


  • Upon receiving managerial approval, the company will make every effort to accommodate the aforementioned leave types. Further more kindly email deepa@vandey.in with your request and approval.



    Clarification on Leave Policy:

     This section is to clarify certain doubts regarding the Leave Policy and how leaves are earned, or Leave encashment.

  • Every employee earns AL (Annual Leave) pro-rata basis on the period served.
  • We shall be following a yearly leave credit policy.
  • Company encourages employees to have a work-life balance; therefore, leaves should be availed as per the leave plan of the department.
  • At the time of Separation, leave will be worked out on a pro-rata basis and credited to the leave account. Any excess leave availed (earned/sick/casual) will be recoverable from the full and final settlement of accounts.
  • In the interest of both, the employee and the organization, it is desirable that employees plan their leave with their supervisors well in advance. The Supervisor shall then, depending on the schedule of work planned, arrange to grant leave to the employees of his department in a manner such that it does not cause any disruption of the company’s work
  • This policy guideline will supersede all prior communication/practice.
  • No interpretations of these guidelines other than what has been specified must be resorted to. In case of any clarification, you are advised to seek them from the HR function.
  • The policy can be changed, altered, modified or revised at any time at the sole discretion of the Management.

      Please note: All the planned leaves need to be applied on the Gretyhr portal after approval from concerned reporting managers.

List of National/Festival Holidays of 2025

Sl.No Date Day Holiday
26th January 2025
Sunday *
Republic Day
01st May 2025
International Workers day
15th August 2025
Independence Day
02nd October 2025
Gandhi Jayanthi
01st November 2025
Saturday *
Kannada Rajyotsava Day